The Professional Fonts & Clip Art CD-ROM
The Professional Fonts & Clip Art CD-ROM v1.0.iso
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SFL-1001: FONT SAMPLE (9/1/92 Release)
Congratulations on your purchase of the Scriptorium Font Library's True
Type Sampler disk.
This is the standard disk which we send out in response to all Shareware
payments and it's hard to beat at $1 per font, but it isn't all we've got
to offer. Our library of special fonts is growing rapidly and we already
have several more disks of fonts available and plan to add more.
Note that several of these fonts include explanatory notes which you might
find interesting. We've also included a stuffit archive with a TIFF format
sample of the fonts on this disk for your reference.
By the time you read this, we will have the following disks available for
order by mail:
SFL-1001: Font Sampler
This disk includes 3 text fonts, 3 calligraphic fonts, 3 display fonts and
3 specialty fonts. It includes our very popular Taranis font as well as
the new Fabliaux font, the medieval calligraphic fonts Bastarda and
Courthand, plus two fonts from the Ysgarth role-playing game. $12. Update
SFL-2001: Text Fonts
This contains 12 unique serif and sans-serif fonts which meet the high
resolution demands of all text uses. The collection includes some elegant
traditional fonts like our Cicero and Scipio fonts, plus some very unusual
offerings like the new Rossetti and Petrarca fonts. $12. Update $5.
SFL-3001: Display Fonts
This disk features 12 attractive display fonts, including several art
nouveau and medieval styles, plus a couple of unusual special use fonts.
Our favorites are the Fabian font based on the font in the Kelmscott
edition of Chaucer and the Jugend font based on hand drawn fonts of the
Munich Jugendstil movement of the 1890s. $12. Update $5.
SFL-3002: More Display Fonts
This disk features 12 new display fonts, including a number of interesting
renaissance styles, plus some early modern book styles and decorative
initials. $12. Update $5.
SFL-4001: Calligraphic Fonts
This disk includes a variety of calligraphic fonts, including several
Celtic-style fonts and fonts based on medieval Georgian and Armenian
calligraphy. Oh, and did you say you were going mad because you couldn't
decorate your computer-generated icons without Church Slavonic? Well, try
Patriarch. It reads in English, but looks like Church Slavonic. $12.
Update $5.
SFL-5001: Specialty Fonts
A collection of fonts for languages which don't use the English alphabet,
including both obscure real world and historical languages and role-playing
game world languages. Check out the Cuneiform, Demotic and Futhark fonts
if you want something really different. $12. Update $5.
SFL - 6001: Decorative Fonts
A special assortment of art fonts where each letter is a decorative initial
or small picture. It includes several illuminated manuscript alphabets, a
set of Arthurian miniatures, a collection of map decorations and some Art
Nouveau floral motifs. This disk is not yet available, but it can be
advance ordered for $15.
Please note. There are NO duplicates. Each of these disks contains a
completely different set of fonts.
Remember to specify True Type or Type 1 for the Mac or True Type or
Postscript for the PC when ordering more fonts.
Each of our font disks is updated with new versions at least once every
three months, with updates being released on the first of January, April,
July and October. If you send in your original disk and $5 we will update
you with the latest versions of all the fonts on that disk. Most of our
fonts are brand new, so expect pretty substantial changes with some of the
updates over the next year or so.
Support shareware. If you see our disks being circulated as unregistered
copies (without our shareware notice), let us know...or let the culprit
know that you dont' approve. These fonts are too damned cheap for anyone
NOT to pay their shareware fee or order them on disk.
To order write to:
POB 140333
Austin, TX 78714
Wholesale/Retail information available on request